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20th Anniversary Spotlight: Kimi Bennett image

The Sola story all began just over 20 years ago, when Kimi Bennett met up with Matt Briger and Stratton Smith in a Starbucks to hear about their business idea, Sola Salons. So much in life is happenstance, and that day Kim’s life was about to change in ways she couldn’t even imagine. After the two entrepreneurs told Kimi about how they planned to empower beauty professionals to take charge of their lives and businesses, she told them to sign her up even though their idea was so new that they didn’t even have a lease on a building yet. “I think I told them that I’d sign a napkin if that’s what it took,” she recalls. “I knew that they were on the brink of something cool.”  

They then walked across the street to what would soon be location #1 in Highlands Ranch, Colorado, and measured out what a studio space would look like with duct tape. “I was sold. This was it; this was my salon.” When Kimi went on to tell her fellow beauty pros about the concept and what she’d signed up to do, she got a lot of hesitation from them, as this was a brand-new concept. “They didn’t see the duct tape.” But as a true trailblazer, Kimi knew in her heart that she had made the right decision and that they were about to change the industry. And on July 12, 2004, Sola location #1 and Kimi both opened their doors – and the rest is history!  

"To take the leap into the first Sola ever is so profound. I just really had to believe in myself, and that’s when I realized it’s entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs, so you’re learning and growing together.”  

Years ago, Kimi said something about Sola that still resonates today: As big as you can dream, you can do it at Sola.” 20 years later, Kimi is still working in her Sola and living her dream.  

So, what has kept her here 20 years later? “Family. Everyone says you’re going out on your own, but I’ve never felt more support, guidance, love and family. It's hard to put it into words. Sola takes risks with the thought of beauty pros behind them... they fought for our industry during the pandemic. We proved to be recession proof. [Sola] pulled their sleeves up and went to work. Family is the best word that I can think of, but it's so much bigger than that. 

My personal and professional life have been able to thrive. I grew up with this brand – it's been over half of my adult life. With the opportunities they’ve given me to shine, I can never say thank you enough to this brand. It's been the best 20 years. I can tell my daughter that I left a legacy in this industry and that's because Sola gave me that gift." 

 Have you been thinking about taking the leap to independence? Here are Kimi’s top 3 tips:  

  • Tip #1: “Do your research. Figure out what it is that you want to embark on in being a business owner. I think a lot of times we're wrapped up in our services and our guests and everything, but now you get to wear this new hat [of being a business owner].” 
  • Tip #2: “Figure out your brand purpose. What is your why? That will always be your North star. So, if any challenges come along during opening or after you've opened, or if anything just sets you off kilter, you can just go into it and say, this is my why, this is my brand promise.” 
  • Tip #3: “Never stop learning. Use all of the resources that Sola gives you when you're going independent because over the years, from opening at 20 years ago to today, they have thought of everything that you could possibly need. Really lean into what they're giving you because all the answers are there. You’re not on your own!” 

Psst...We’ve got your back even before you sign a lease. Check out our free Going Independent Guide for guidance on getting started!  

“After all these years of being a trailblazer, I’m so excited for the next 20 years – it's been truly a gift."  

Thank you, Kimi, for taking the truest leap of faith with us as Sola pro #1, for “seeing the duct tape” and for blazing the trail for 20,000+ beauty pros over the last 20 years.  

Stay tuned in the coming weeks for more 20th Anniversary Spotlights and inspiring stories from our community... 🤩