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Sola Stories Podcast
Episode 93: Setting Goals and Intentions for the New Year image

As we are still celebrating the magic of the New Year, we wanted to bring two of the most inspiring people in the Sola family to talk about setting intentions and goals for 2022. Kim Bennett and Steven Wren have offered hope and relentless positivity to our community when we needed it most… and we couldn’t think of anyone more fitting to help us ring in the New Year on The Sola Stories Podcast than these two!

Setting intentions is all about putting your energy into what you want. When you can find or create some clarity around what you want, you invite your heart and your mind to focus and support you in getting closer to what you truly desire – in life or in your business. This time of year is a chance to start fresh, dream just a little bit bigger, and imagine with intention.

Press play on this episode to join the conversation with Kim and Steve, and discover how to take achievable action steps to reach your goals and fulfill your 2022 intentions!


In This Episode

[2:54] - Kim shares how 2021 impacted her and how wearing the salon owner hat changed her maturity.

[4:29] - It is important to embrace change and recognize things as a new normal.

[5:16] - For Steve, 2021 made him realize how important the client/barber relationship really is and the need to create a safe space for people.

[7:05] - You can set intentions, goals, and resolutions at any point in the year. Making them small is key to success.

[8:01] - Kim and Steve share their intentions for 2021 and how they differed from 2020.

[11:49] - Sometimes we set a goal, but then don’t think about the small actions that will help you achieve them. How can you make the actionable steps a habit?

[13:09] - Kim describes new opportunities that came her way in 2021 that she is excited to develop further in the new year.

[16:00] - Steve also had new opportunities in 2021 and explains how his desire to impact his community and working with Sola helped him cast a larger net.

[19:01] - The ability to present virtually has made the world smaller. This has created new opportunities, education, and relationships more accessible.

[20:07] - When setting up goals and intentions for a new year, Steve breaks his year up into personal and business and into quarters.

[21:40] - Kim shares what she is looking forward to the most in 2022.

[23:37] - For 2022, Kim isn’t concerned about change anymore. 

[24:58] - Don’t be afraid to fail. The fear of failure holds you back from trying new things.

[27:04] - Kim explains how she sets business goals and her previous fear of raising prices.

[30:14] - The webinar that Kim hosted is available through the Sola Pro app.

[33:40] - Steve describes his goals for 2022 through the lens of a business owner.

[36:26] - It is recommended to incorporate times of rest into your goals.

[39:01] - A goal without a plan is just a wish. You have to have an action plan.

[42:30] - Steve separates his goals into categories and has action steps for every single day to help reach them.

[44:23] - Steve’s word for 2022 is evolution and Kim’s is influence.

[46:46] - Take the time to reflect on the past year before you look at your goals for the future in depth.

Links and Resources

Sola Salon Studios' Instagram Page

Sola Salons Studios – Website

Kimi_Kisses on Instagram

Kimi_Kisses on TikTok

MrWrenCuts on Instagram

Mr. Wren Cuts on Facebook