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Five Essential Spring Cleaning Tips image

As a salon owner, you work hard to provide a unique experience and a beautiful space for your guests to visit time and time again. A clean, well-organized salon is crucial to being a successful salon owner – it provides your guests with a comfortable place to visit, and provides you with a creative space to work in. Consider spring cleaning in your salon an opportunity to completely revitalize your environment and create the zen your guests so very crave when being pampered.

As a salon owner at Sola, you have total control over how you present your space, so make the most of this annual time to deep clean! If you were a customer visiting your salon for the first time, what would you notice? What feelings do you want to evoke for your guests walking in for their service? You probably want them to feel comfortable, relaxed and at home. Does a messy space lend itself to that luxurious experience? Springtime is a time for renewal! So book out your calendar for a day and give your studio the extra special treatment it deserves. 

Time to Purge

First thing’s first. When it comes to spring cleaning, it’s important to assess every single thing taking up the precious space in your studio. You can do this by removing everything from inside of the cabinets and categorizing all of the items that are kept both inside and outside of storage. Once you can see everything in your studio, you might realize that you have duplicate items and can get rid of things that are no longer serving a purpose. Leaky hair treatments dripping all over the inside of your drawers, buh-bye! Bottles of product that are nearly empty, see ya later! The bluetooth speaker a client gave to you last Christmas that you haven’t even opened, time to go! Recycle all of your old magazines, and consider the donation centers and women’s shelters that would be so grateful for products you’re no longer in need of – it will make purging that much more satisfying.

Give Everything a Good Scrub

Before putting things back into their appropriate space, wipe down the insides of all cabinets and drawers, and consider putting in cabinet liners to make next year’s spring clean that much easier. Move all of your furniture out of the way to make sure to get all of the nooks and crannies on the floor too. No need to start off a fresh season with last season’s dust in your clean air! And don’t forget to wipe down the mirrors so your guests can see all that is beautiful!

Store Things Properly

When looking around your studio, consider the the items that you want your guests to notice. For instance, your cute referral card display might get prime real estate on your countertop, but do your clients need to see your entire collection of shears and brushes? To create a serene enviroment, less is more. The more you can keep behind closed doors, the more your guests will notice what you want them to see. But of course the inside of your cabinets should be neat and tidy, too!

Decorate and Add Finishing Touches

Now that you’ve removed all of the clutter and cleaned every surface, consider adding a few small but noticeable special touches, like flowers or a new piece of art you’ve been eyeing. Your guests will love coming in to your new and improved space and feeling rejuvinated. You always want to keep your studio feeling fresh for each and every visit.

When putting your retail items out, consider creating an organized and eye catching display with only the items you need, and keep the rest in your cabinets. A clutter free retail display will allow your guests to see all of the wonderful products you can offer to them to keep their hair looking fabulous.

Develop a Regular Cleaning Schedule

After spring cleaning, you’ll quickly recognize that it’s easier if you don’t let the dirty work pile up. For the rest of the year, establish a regular cleaning schedule to ensure that your clients leave your studio feeling fresh and zenned each and every time!