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Let’s Grow, Grow, Grow in 2016 image

Yay…2016 is here! Another year of promise, of possibilities, and of purpose. I know you have great ideas for the upcoming year. I have a goal that I’m very excited about too. My goal is to provide you with real, proven strategies, information, tools, and resources that will help you elevate your salon business, achieve all the success you want in your career, and live your dreams.

Will the things I share be the only way you can be successful…absolutely not!

Will the strategies I share help you get amazing results if you implement them…absolutely! As it often is with success, the road may be a little bumpy, but in the end your success will be “suite.”

So, let’s get started…

What matters most to you in your career and business and why? This is what’s called your “BIG WHY.” Why are you in the Beauty Industry? What are you here to do or accomplish? How are you making a difference in the lives of others – your clients or the Industry? Are you here just to earn a living for yourself and your family?  

Having passion and purpose in what you do and why you do it provides the inspiration and motivation to be successful when things get difficult. Ever wonder why you’re not motivated sometimes? Check your purpose, passion level, and your WHY. Get clear on what matters most in your career and why you must be successful. Having a clear BIG WHY will help you move through those lull moments.     

What are your goals for your business for 2016? Success is literally defined as the continual advancement towards an intended aim, target or goal. Guess what? If you don’t have a defined goal, you can’t be successful. You must begin with the end in mind.

The first order of business is to look at what you consider to be the 3 most important areas of your salon business and clearly outline what you want those areas to look like by the end of 2016. Choose the areas that are important to you and only you. How much money do you want to earn per month? How many clients do you want to service? How many vacations do you want to take? How much do you want to save or invest for your future, retirement or for financial security?

Are you writing your goals down? The simple act of writing down your goals moves them from just being thoughts and ideas in your head to becoming part of a plan that you can take action on. Placing a completion date with your signature showing your commitment to those goals goes a long way to making those things happen for you and your business. To powerfully write out your goals and set yourself up for success, list out the 3 most important areas of your business, outline what you want to happen that can be objectively measured, put the date you will accomplish them and sign your signature and date.   

What roadblocks and obstacles stand in the way of what you want to happen by the end of this year and how will you get around them? As with anything we want to happen in life, there will be things to get in the way. Clients I coach recite any number of things that stand in their way. But, most often they say they are standing in their own way. Ever feel that way? The truth is you are right. It’s rare that things can stop a committed person. Knowing what can derail your progress and gets you off track will help you put a plan in place to ensure that you don’t get off track and you become unstoppable.

Reflect on these questions and you’ll have the beginnings of what will be a fabulous 2016. Be great!

About the Blogger: Alex B. Jones, M.B.A. is owner of Revive Salon in Sola Charlotte and is a Salon Suite Coach who helps salon suite owners, booth renters and independent contractors get more clients, make more money so they can finally live their dreams.

For more from Alex B. Jones, The Salon Business Coach, please visit alexbjones.com.