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In honor of Father’s Day, we’d like you to take a few minutes and read what Faces of Sola, Alex Sylvester, had to say about time management, priorities, and working behind the chair as a single dad when we recently caught up with him this Father’s Day weekend.
“Taking on that role of being a single father has been hard,” he shared. “You have certain things planned for your life and then sometimes life throws you a wrench. But becoming a father has definitely made me a stronger person. It made me wake up and realize what was important. I realized I had a life that I needed to take care of and no one else was going to do it for me. It was either ‘sit down or give up’ or ‘shut up and get to work.’ I decided to get to work and make a better life for my son.”
To do that, Alex had to organize and prioritize and be smart with how he spends his time in and out of his Sola studio, Edge by Alex Sylvester. “You have to keep time management in check! Your time is the most valuable object you have in life and you cannot buy that back,” he added. “It can be so hard to own a business and lose track of that. I value time more than I do money or success. I refuse to let my son grow up without me present even for the smallest of things because that time is never going to come back. In a world where buying items with a hearty price tag tend to show more ‘success,’ the sacrifice of QUALITY TIME with your child is completely taken away. Money and things are nothing more than an object. Time and connection is the true reward.”
To make the most of his time, Alex shared in his discovery interview at the Faces of Sola photo/video shoot that he is a creature of habit. “I have a lot of stuff always planned out. I also prepare myself for the upcoming weeks. Keeping schedules and setting routines in what helps me stay successful and stress-free.”
For Alex, using resources such as SolaGenius for his business has paid off tenfold.  “Having SolaGenius for my books, numbers and reminders saves me so much time,” he shared. “Work smarter, not harder, and the money will come. Losing that focus can happen pretty easy. I even have a hard time with that but I make sure I check myself before I wreck myself. Always remind yourself what’s most important.”
One rule he is very passionate about, especially when he’s in his educator role with John Paul Mitchell Systems in to not focus on making the money. “You’ll make the money if you’re putting out good work. Your main focus should be the type of work you’re creating and putting out there. And remember, it’s also okay to look for some assistance in your salon. If you are that busy then seek out hiring help. Having an assistant on hand will also help you work smarter, not harder.”
When it comes to marketing to men, Alex shared some great reminders we should all keep in mind even after Father’s Day has passed.

Reminder #1: “Focus on it being okay for men to feel good about taking time to care for themselves. Most men, especially fathers, don’t make that a priority. It’s important and this not me mindset needs to change!”
Reminder #2: “Having a professional clean look is also very important. It doesn’t have to be reserved for businessmen; not every man is wearing a suit coat and tie these days. Men, especially fathers, come in all shapes, styles, and sizes.”
Reminder #3: “When you’re marketing for Father’s Day, remember to include those who step up to become a father like stepdads and adoptive partners. Being a father is more than just conceiving a child. It’s about being present and supportive of that child.”
Want to learn more about Alex Sylvester? Check out these three interesting facts about him in our 30 Facts About the 2018 Faces of Sola blog post.