Cheri Braun
Simply Cheri's Salon
- Hair
About Cheri Braun
So the saying "time flies when you're having fun" is definitely true in my case. I've loved my career since the day I started 30 years ago. Unbelievable! I began working in this area at Jacobson's and in many ways it defined the kind of stylist I am - know the trends and be willing to play with them, but you must have a great classic foundation! Education is key, whether doing the latest coloring technique or working with curly hair, I feel I must know the basics to perform the "latest, greatest" thing. Choosing products that perform well while not causing harm is very important to me, but I am always open to hearing what you have found and think is amazing. As far as a specialty- it's Hair. I love variety! Long, short, thick, thin, straight, curly, enhanced and natural. I'd enjoy meeting and working with you. Since this is a "one woman show" please be patient when contacting me, I may be with another client. Phone or text me at 734-891-3543 E-mail