Lashay Walcott

Lashay Walcott

About Lashay Walcott

Jream natural skincare and body contour spa has been in business for over 2 years. Started with all natural hair services then cultivated into a passion for self care. Practicing with healthy lifestyle balance from fitness, Herbs, clean eating and full body care. Lashay Wanted to inspire others with her own self transforming Journey that is now helping many others. Taking time to gain knowledge and full understating of all the products and services she offers. Very helpful, goal oriented and always a cheerful helper and giver when it comes to her community, peers, and friends. She wears many hats and owns other businesses and looking to start a non-profit organization designed for women and sisterhood. She is on her Journey of Spiritual ascension and wants to help others reach there full potential.

To learn more about me or for partnership, collaborations and speaking events please email me at